Mike Dwyer
Association Headquarters
Chief Executive Relationship Officer
Mike has enjoyed a long career of nearly 30 years in association management. Mike serves on the AH Office of the President, which comprises the company’s senior management team. Mike is also a partner at AH.
In his tenure, prior to moving to Association Headquarters in 2004, Mike held several positions with the Truck Cap & Accessory Association located in the Washington, D.C. area, including holding the post of Executive Director for 4+ years. He later became the Executive Director for NARSA – The International Heat Transfer Association, located in suburban Philadelphia. He moved to AH along with NARSA in 2004 where he remained the executive director of NARSA and also became the executive director for the Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association (JPMA).
In 2001, Dwyer earned the designation of Certified Association Executive from the American Society of Association Executives. In June of 2004, he was elected by his peers as President of the Board for the Delaware Valley Society of Association Executives and in 2006 he was selected by Association TRENDS magazine as a 2006 Young & Aspiring Association Professional. Mike was also the recipient of the 2011 Mid-Atlantic Society of Association Executives Points of Light Award, designed to honor an MASAE member who has demonstrated a commitment to his or her community and the needs of others.
In addition to his AH role, Mike is President of AH client partner, the Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association (JPMA), the national trade organization representing 95% of the juvenile products industry. JPMA is AH’s legacy client and has been with AH since the company was founded in 1978. As the Chief Executive Relationship Officer for AH, Mike is responsible for charting the course, developing the vision and implementing the necessary steps to ensure long term healthy client relationships between AH and the company’s 30+ full service clients.